Willowfield Parish Church
Situated on the Woodstock Road, Willowfield Parish Church is a high Victorian Gothic church designed by John Lanyon in 1872 with a bay added to the nave in 1901 by W.J.Fennel.
The works carried out consisted of both internal and external works to the Grade B listed building.
Internally, extensive wet rot in both the floor and primary roof structure needed to be eradicated. This necessitated major structural intervention to both the roof and supporting columns. Wherever possible the original roof structure was maintained and only replaced where necessary. Remedial work was also carried out on existing brickwork, sandstone, stained glass windows and joinery.
To aid in modern day worship, the existing pews were removed, organ pit repositioned and a new dais constructed in the chancel. The existing choir stalls were disassembled and reconfigured in the former porch, which is now used as a prayer room. A new side entrance was made into the church on the Jocelyn Street side of the building and the original west entrance reinstated to facilitate linkage with the adjoining community Micah Centre. New lighting, heating, sound system and colour scheme were introduced to complete the works.
Externally work was carried out on the brickwork, leadwork, roof, storm glazing and tower. Wherever possible original materials were used in an attempt to be as sympathetic to the church as possible.