Smiley Monroe
Smiley Monroe have developed a purpose made Production Research and Development facility on a Greenfield site at Knockmore Lisburn. Designed by Tate Stevenson Architects the building comprises of production and office areas.
The building is designed to reflect the progressive nature of the company and with flexibility being of paramount consideration the new building is equipped with the latest modern machinery to meet head on the challenges of a fast changing and competitive market.
The offices are entered through a large double height reception area which also acts as a display area for the companys products and within this area is a purpose designed stainless steel water feature created by Tim Monroe.
The client was keen to provide training facilities for staff and clients and a training/conference room was incorporated into the design which provided facilities for audio visual presentation along with social reception areas. The reception area and conference facilities were designed to reflect the quality of service and training which the company provided. The remaining offices are designed to provide a flexible and airy environment and are accessed from the main reception area.
Phase 2 of this project consists of a storage production and distribution facility to supplement the production facility in phase 1. The project consists of a single storey portal frame stand alone building adjacent to phase 1 with similar external finishes of cladding and facing block.
The building extends to 1130m² with associated siteworks and hardstanding.