Colin McCaffrey of Tate Stevenson Architects has recently completed a course on the 2016 CDM regulations and is excited that the practice can now offer our clients the service of Principal Designer for all their projects.
The new 2016 CDM regulations requires all clients, including domestic clients, carrying out construction work on a multi-contractor project to appoint a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor, ensure that there are arrangements in place for managing and organising the project, allow adequate time for the project, provide information to your designer and contractor, communicate clearly with your designer and building contractor, ensure that a construction phase plan is in place and a health and safety file is obtained from the principal designer.
The new regulations also require clients to notify the HESNI if their project extends to more than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point on it or exceeds 500 person days.
The Principal Designer role that Tate Stevenson Architects offers will ensure that the project is carried out without risk to health and safety, provide assistance to the client in preparation of the pre-construction information, identify and eliminate foreseeable risks to health and safety, ensure cooperation of all parties involved in the project, ensure designers comply with their duties (Risk Assessments) and provide prompt provision of pre-construction information to all designers and all contractors appointed by the client
During the construction phase the Principal Designer will liaise with the principle contractor for the duration of the project and prepare for handover the Health & Safety file.
Please contact Colin or Chris for further guidance on the new regulations and arrange a fee quote for the role of Principal designer.