Artillery St
In January 2005 Tate Stevenson Architects Ltd were employed to provide full architectural services for the refurbishment and redevelopment of 10-12 Artillery Street, overlooking the walled areas of Derry.
The existing 19th century three storey, terraced townhouses, which had been converted into flats in the 1980’s, were in a very poor state of repair. Although not listed they fell within the city’s conservation area and adjacent to a number of notable listed buildings such as the Church of Ireland Diocesan Centre and the Playhouse featured on the BBC’s Restoration programme.
After undertaking a number of investigative reports into the condition of the existing fabric and ground conditions TSA agreed the extent of the brief with the client. The project would result in a redeveloped site maximizing its commercial potential with the building owner proving the anchor tenant on the first floor.
The project aim was to refurbish and conserve as much of the existing building as possible, retaining its character whilst demolishing the later rear returns and rebuild/extend them as modern offices.
After a prolonged year in planning, permission was granted in June 2006 and work began on the Building Control, Archaeological surveys and Urban Grant applications. The final project was tendered in September and the successful lowest contractor JPM Contracts was awarded the contract.
Work began on site in October 2006 and after an 8 month programme the building was completed on time and on budget. In July the client occupied the first floor overlooking the historic walls.